Healing Support for Active Wounding: Parental Wounds Edtion ~ October 3rd @7pm VIRTUAL CIRCLE

Healing Support for Active Wounding: Parental Wounds Edtion ~ October 3rd @7pm VIRTUAL CIRCLE

Join CeeCee and the In.Spired Community for this Virtual Healing Circle.

The wounds that parents knowingly or unknowingly inflict upon us can profoundly impact our ability to care for them as adults. The parental wound can be deep and sometimes infectious, infiltrating our ability to maintain happy healthy lives.

This In.Spired Virtual Healing Circle is a space to assess the wound and share medicine . Participants at various stages in healing bring wisdom and support to each other.

You are NOT alone. Being asked to provide, time, attention, and care to parents who‘ve been physically abusive, emotionally abusive, or neglectful carries with it an impact to old wounds. In community we learn to heal them in a new way.

This virtual circle is FREE. To register, please reach out via the contact form, leave your email and the phrase “parental wounds”

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Have a question? Send me a message here and I'll be more than happy to reply to you shortly.